Take The 1st Step To Equip Your Child For English Exams & For Life Beyond The Classroom!
Schedule Your Child’s Free Diagnostic Consultation (Worth $150)!
Discover An “Open Secret” To Consistently Scoring Excellent Grades For English Exams In School… This Rare Method Is Not Being Used By Any Other English Tuition Centre In Singapore Except For us!
Hi, My name is Daniel, and I am a Former Award Winning MOE Officer & English Language Specialist.
If you’re looking for a reputable English Tuition Centre in Bedok to help your child improve his or her English results by leaps and bounds, then you’re at the right place.
You’re a savvy parent, and you’re probably aware of the array of tuition centres here in Bedok.
Chances are, these tuition centres are highly reputable with tons of great reviews and proven systems that can help your child achieve better English results, whether in PSLE or ‘O/N’ Levels.
And, they’re probably telling the truth.
They likely have a great system with many success stories.
Despite this, they can’t guarantee improvement.
Unlike us.
We’re the only English tuition provider in Bedok, or even in the whole of Singapore for that matter, who GUARANTEES improvements in your child’s exam results.
If your child’s report card doesn’t show an improvement after joining us, you can leave anytime with no penalty.
You’re probably thinking:
“Woah, why is this guy so ready to guarantee such a thing without even seeing my child?”
The answer is simple.
We’re 100% confident that our methods can help your child to achieve MASSIVE improvement in English and sustain it over time!
Meaning, even if you do decide to stop sending your child to us, your child will probably still do relatively well due to the evergreen concepts and methods we teach that can be applied to new areas of learning as well.
We’re almost certain that your child will be our next success story.
Don’t take my words for it. Have a look at my students’
latest results
Most parents seem to think that english is “common sense” and can be improved by reading books or news articles…
Yes, this statement is true to a certain extent. English can be improved naturally through time and by reading more books or articles, leading to a stronger command of the language.
However, the Singapore Primary and Secondary school syllabus measures more than just “command of the English Language”
For primary school, one of the dreaded sections in the primary school exams and PSLE is Synthesis & Transformation.
Synthesis & Transformation in a nutshell, is re-arranging and combining sentences together.
If a primary school student has a strong foundation in English from reading books or news articles, then yes, they’ll be able to solve most of those questions with relative ease.
The more tricky questions like the ones shown above require certain techniques and methods that need to be followed and cannot be easily solved with just a “feel” for English.
And if your child wishes to score well for his or her Primary School English exams, this section should not be eye-balled or winged-it as it could result in unnecessary loss of marks that could pull them one grade down.
If your child is in Secondary School, the GCE ‘O/N’ Level syllabus also does not measure “command of the English Language”…
Each essay type requires specific structures and rules that are likely to be penalised in national exams if not adhered to…
For example, Argumentative essays should be objective and claims must be backed up with hard-proof statistics or real life case studies. For example if I’m trying to argue that Singaporeans are becoming unhealthier, I would need to use a statistic like “According to the CDC, diabetes rates increased from 0.93% in 1958 to 7.40% in 2015”
Going against these unspoken rules in the national exams could penalize a student and pull his or her marks down.
Thus in order to do well for Paper 1, your child needs to have both a strong command of the language, and a strong grasp & understanding of the specific question types and how to answer them.
However, most parents only realize this when their child receives their GCE ‘O/N’ results slip…
If you look at what most school teachers and private tutors are doing, they focus only on the academic aspect.
In other words, they only eye-ball the syllabus, teaching all the methods and techniques to overcome all the question types that can appear in school and national exams.
At the end of the day, this model of “education” is what most kids use to score well for national exams.
We’re not denying that.
Why do some kids still perform poorly in tests and exams despite being enrolled in prestigious tuition centres with fancy and “proven” systems?
Don’t get me wrong though. The DO Applied Learning programme offered by Epoch Talent Academy has its own proven English Study Systems and we agree that it plays a significant role in helping our students improve.
However, we disagree that academic systems are all that matters.
Along with our academic systems, we also emphasize heavily on developing your child’s values for more holistic development.
We focus heavily on equipping your child with proven mindsets, values, and an attitude that he or she will need to excel in both exams and in life.
What really separates the DO Applied Learning Programme by Epoch Talent Academy from your average English tuition centre is that we arm your child with the tools and thinking processes to achieve perpetual success in all areas of life.
Meaning, our focus is not solely on the next exam, or that A1 or A2 for English.
Of course, bumping up your child’s English results is a huge priority for us, but we do much more in helping him or her build mental frameworks that will serve them for life.
We’ve boiled all the mindsets, values, attitudes into a simple and condensed framework.
We call this the Pentagon Values System.
I first met Teacher Daniel when I was a P5 student at Tao Nan School. Even at that age, I could see that the way in which he approached learning was very different from others. He focused on purposeful learning, and would always explain the rationale for anything he taught. His patience was also something I appreciated as I was an inquisitive child who asked many questions in class.
Dr Christopher Cheong
MBBS and Tao Nan School & Victoria Secondary School Alumni
Students can only improve when they accept that they’re making mistakes.
Instead of pushing blame, top students face their shortcomings head on.
Old fashioned hard work is then applied to overcome those shortcomings.
This is done through equipping students with the right frameworks to help them analyse situations logically – such is what will distinguish them from the rest of the pack.
Careless mistakes will also be minimised as students will be guided on how to pay precise attention to detail.
To be 100% transparent, I’m at risk of strong backlash from the general public and other tuition centres for daring to challenge the norm of academic-focused curriculum.
But I’ve seen the Pentagon Values System work for hundreds of students both through their exam results and their successes in life.
Seeing them succeed and becoming entrepreneurs or doing what they love is a joy that is indescribable to an educator like myself.
These stories are my source of inspiration and motivation.
Seeing happy smiles when students receive their PSLE or ‘O/N’ Level certificates and when they get their dream job…
Is what makes me feel that I have a moral responsibility to spread the word about the Pentagon Values System that has positively impacted hundreds of kids.
Blessed with 2 wonderful children myself, I see myself as more than just an educator who stands at the front of a classroom.
I see myself as someone who is a mentor to my students and who is responsible for ensuring they are on the right path in life beyond mere academics.
This is why I’m such a huge advocate of imparting the right values and mindsets to my students.
Rest assured though, I also highly prioritize the academic aspect of things to ensure your child comes home smiling after receiving his or her report card.
We look forward to adding your child to our rapidly growing list of success stories!
We invite parents down for a complimentary diagnostic session for us to identify areas of improvement for your child. That way, you’ll be able to see which areas of English your child is weaker in.
Just like a doctor, we’ll diagnose what issue/s your child is suffering from.
We highly recommend that you schedule this complimentary diagnostic session with us to see if your child is a good fit to join our O Level English Tuition classes.
So, register below, and I’ll see you really soon!
To Your Child’s English Exam Success, and more importantly to his/her continuing success in life too!
Teacher Daniel,
Former Award Winning MOE Officer & English Language Specialist @DO Applied Learning By Epoch Talent Academy
Schedule Your Child’s Free Diagnostic Consultation (Worth $150)!
Students aged between P4 – Sec 4 taking the PSLE/O-Level/IP and IB syllabus.
Many parents come to us because they feel that their child can be pushed further into that next level of mastery to really gain an unbeatable edge over their peers. If you’re looking to help your child improve by leaps and bounds for English with a proven system, then English tuition here may be what you are looking for.
The DO Applied Learning programme run by Epoch Talent Academy is the only English programme to GUARANTEE that your child will see improvements in his or her English Results.
Just like a doctor, we’ll ask targeted and guided questions and see which areas your child can improve in. From there, we’ll decide if your child is a good fit for our English tuition classes or not. If your child isn’t, we will even gladly refer you to our competitors.
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